
2021-07-15 |
hi-H 2021 July Webinar - Digitalization: the Next Data Surge Enabled by 5G

On July 8th, CMI’s Hand-in-Hand Program (hi-H Program) successfully hosted its mid-year event with the theme of 5G and Digitalization. In this 1.5-hour live webinar, speakers from CMCC, Megafon, Omdia, Orange and True were invited to share their digital working experience and  presented a thrilling and vibrant panel discussion, with their unique insights of the deployment of 5G, followed by a Q&A session between speakers and audiences. This event was joined by 211 guests from 22 member organizations from all over the world.

Dr. Li Feng, Chairman and CEO of CMI gave an opening speech: "The COVID-19 outbreak has affected all aspects of our life. Since the pandemic began, a new era of technological revolution and industry transformation has emerged, taking us closer to a future, driven by ‘online, intelligent and digitalization’. 5G plays a key role in intelligent digitalization and it is one of the drivers for the ongoing transformation of business operations through digital technologies."

 Our opening presenter Mr. Guo Mingyang, Project Manager of Department of Development Strategy from CMCC gave an opening presentation on China Mobile’s strategy in accelerating digitalized-Intelligent transformation by taking five key actions on Products, Networks, Middle Platforms, Organization and Eco-system to seize digital economy opportunities. Following that, Mr. Alexander Vlasov, Director of Carrier Services & Roaming from Megafon shared his insight on 5G development in Russia and MegaFon’s strategy correspondingly. At last, Mr. Brian Washburn, Research Director in Service Provider Enterprise & Wholesale sector of Omdia wrapped up the presentation session by delivering a fruitful analysis on revenue & traffic demand growth of enterprise digitalization initiatives under the 5G era; and the potential measures that telecoms services providers could take to expand their business scale.

Following the presentation session, an insightful panel discussion was carried out among above three speakers together with Mr. Cedric GONIN, Senior Marketing Director Mobile Services at Orange International Carriers, and Mr. Tawatchai Lerksumrand, Deputy Director 5G Strategy and Project Innovation and Secretary of 5G Committee at True. Discussion was moderated by Brian and started with how international traffic demands and consumption changed in pandemic situation, followed by sharing from panelists based on experience of their companies in the deployment of 5G and their observation of the transformation and trend of a digital future. Last but not least, the webinar ended with a thriving Q&A session where audiences contributed their thoughts after listening to the talk.

We are grateful for all the participation from our honorable partners. To deliver on the mission of the hi-H Program, we will continue to work with and support members in facing global industry challenges, and strengthen communications and cooperation on data services, mobile services, and innovative telecom technologies.


About Hand-in-Hand Program:

Established in 2015 by China Mobile International, the Hand-in-Hand Program (“hi-H Program”) is a global partnership initiative which brings together various organizations from across the telecoms sector under the shared vision of providing seamless, borderless products and services worldwide. By gathering major players from different sectors together, hi-H combines strengths from across the industry to enhance each member’s ability to overcome challenges and adapt to industry changes. For more information, please visit



About China Mobile International Limited:

China Mobile International Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Mobile, the world’s largest telecommunications operator in terms of network scale, customer base and market value. Leveraging the strong support by China Mobile, CMI provides a full range of comprehensive international telecommunications services iConnect including voice, SMS, Mobile and Data services, and all-encompassing carrier solution China Connect. CMI aims to bring customers with seamless, carefree, borderless digital life. For more information, please visit